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The Escort Network : How to Register as an Independent Escort

Please note this is NOT a free website!!!!

There are two ways:

1. Listing yourself (recommended as you will be online instantaneously.)
2. Letting The Escort Network list your information and upload your photos.

LISTING YOURSELF (takes less than 10mins)
Listing yourself with The Escort Network is very simple. You as the advertiser have complete control over your profile, you can change the text, your services you offer and the rates you charge. No more waiting for webmasters, your profile goes on-line instantaneously.

1. Instructions for listing yourself:

    1. Click on Register on the home page in the upper right hand side, just above the slider.
    2. You will then be taken to a page “Create an Account as:”
    3. Click on the Blue button “Register as Independent Escort”
    4. You will then be taken to a page “Independent Escort Registration”, complete all the fields, remember only fields marked with “*” are mandatory, but the more information you give the better!
    1. Once you have completed the above, click on the green button at the bottom of the page “complete registration”
    1. You will then be taken to a page “Your registration is complete”, it will state that before you can use the site you will need to validate your email address, a validation link was sent to your email address that you provided in the registration page.
    1. Now go to your email account and open up the email sent to you by us and click on the validation link and we will activate your account.
  • You are now registered with the BEST escort directory on the web!!!!

Now that your profile has been activated, you can navigate to and click on “Login” on the home page in the upper right hand side, just above the slider, then input your username and password, now that you logged in, you can move your curser over “account options” on the right hand side of the page and a menu will drop down. This menu will have all the necessary tools to customize your profile.

You can now:

  • View your profile page
  • Edit your profile page
  • Manage and upload pictures
  • Manage your tours
  • Change your password
  • Submit a photo to verify your profile pictures

As an Independent Escort on The Escort Network you can:

  1. Become a Premium Escort (priority listing on any search, and displayed above basic listings).
  2. Become a Featured Escort (same benefits as a Premium listing but with the added advantage of being at the top of the home page in the scrolling banner)

2. If you want us to manage your profile:

Simply email us and we will send you an application form to fill out, once completed you just email it back to us with the pictures you want on your profile, and we will do the rest.

The Escort Network : How to Register as an Agency

    1. Click on Register on the home page in the upper right hand side, just above the slider.
    2. You will then be taken to a page “Create an Account as:”
    3. Click on the Blue button “Register as an Agency”
    4. You will then be taken to a page “Register as an agency”, complete all the fields, remember only fields marked with “*” are mandatory!
    5. Once you have completed number above, click on the green button at the bottom of the page “complete registration”
    6. Now you have registered your agency and you free to load your escorts under your agency profile
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