Escort South Africa, Cape Town escorts, Sandton escorts, Upmarket, Elite, VIP, High Class hookers Listing of featured escorts on The Escort Network of South Africa

Featured listing

Featured listing on The Escort Network


Entitles you to the following:

  1. You can add yourself to “Flavour of the month” anytime
  2. Your profile is displayed on the scrolling banner at the top of the homepage
  3. You can upload upto 20 pictures
  4. You can “100% verify” your listing
  5. You can change any of your details anytime
  6. Your profile is ALWAYS shown before a Basic listing on the homepage and any search
  7. Your profile gets indexed by all the major search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
  8. Your profile gets “tweeted” on TWITTER* once a week individually
  9. Your profile gets posted on our FACEBOOK* page once a week individually


Cost of a Featured listing

R200 per month

* We post your entire profile, your stats, services, and main photo as an individual ‘post’ and ‘tweet’, and you can notify us if you have any specials.

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